*Kept Alive (a literal translation from Hebrew שמור בחיים ) refers to the text engraved upon headstones to reserve pre-purchased burial spots. The custom arose from bureaucratic necessity, but grew to function as a popular charm to ensure a healthy and long life for the purchaser.
2009-10 | Three Channel Demo of kept alive | 22 min 49 sec.loop > Edition of 7+2AP
2009-10 | DIGGER | One Channel Video | 22 min 49 sec.loop > Edition of 7+2AP
2009-10 | DIGGER | One Channel Video | 22 min 49 sec.loop > Edition of 7+2AP
KEPT ALIVE video focused on Jerusalem’s largest cemetery-”Har Hamenuchot” (Mountain of Rest). Filming on location for seven month, the project documentary approach investigates intersections between the living and the dead as well as observe the hierarchy on site-a work place divided into employees (jews) and workers (Palestinians.). The multi-channel video installation reconstructs the mountain, in which all the cemetery’s conflicting processes occur simultaneously.The work’s sound is also artificially constructed, sampled from various sources and pieced together in a studio. The almost-real, re-choreographs the Mountain of Rest, isolating gestures and movements, giving them new roles. Departing from Pereg’s observation of the KEPT ALVE signs, spread around the empty plots of the cemetery, he site acts as a junction, not only between life and death, but as a work place, divided into employees (jews) and workers (Palestinians.). Through Pereg’s gaze, the construction and maintenance of the graves becomes an everyday performative event. The multi-channel video installation reconstructs the mountain so that the cemetery’s conflicting processes occur simultaneously. Although the work focuses on the life which takes place at the cemetery, the minimalistic artificially constructed sound isolates amplifies the omnipresent sense of emptiness, vacuum like atmosphere, which dominates the site.
Click here to for KEPT ALIVE PORTRAITS.
MAKERS: Editing & Filming: Nira Pereg | Sound design : Nati Zeidenstadt | Post: Tal Korjak
Nathan Gottesdiener Foundation, the Israeli art Prize Recipient 2009
Nira Pereg : MOUNTAIN
The video work “Sabbath 2008", 2008, and the new project KEPT ALIVE, 2009/10 (three channels HD video and KEPT ALIVE PORTRAITS - 18 photographs), at the center of Nira Pereg’s (b. 1969) exhibition, use documentary materials filmed in Jerusalem: in the former – SABBATH 2008 blocking the streets in ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods to vehicles, using various blockades, as the Sabbath enters; in the latter – distribution of land and workforce in the crowded “real-estate” site of the Mount of Rest cemetery. The expression “reserved in life” which pereg poetically translated to the phrase KEPT ALIVE. refers to burial plots that living people purchase for themselves. Both works deal with social rituals and with marking territories and boundaries in Jerusalem: between the sacred and the profane, between the living and the dead. The intensive soundtrack amplifies the ritual, repetitive effect of dragging the blockades and of digging in the stony earth – activities that determine the
rhythm of the films.
Curator Ellen Ginton
: מנימוקי השופטים בפרס
נירה פרג היא זוכת פרס גוטסדינר לאמן ישראלי צעיר לשנת 2009, כך הכריזה היום שופטת שלב הגמר בתחרות, האוצרת הצרפתייה קתרין גרנייה, המכהנת כסגנית מנהלת מרכז ז'ורז' פומפידו בפריז. פרג גברה על האמנים ארז ישראלי ונעמה צבר, המציגים גם הם בתערוכת הגמר במוזיאון תל-אביב.
בנימוקיה לבחירה אמרה גרנייה כי "עבודת הוידיאו שיצרה נירה פרג עבור התערוכה מרגשת במיוחד. פרג בחרה לעסוק בנושאים טעונים ביותר מבלי לבחור בדרך הקלה של הפאתוס בהתמודדות עמם. במקום זאת, עבודתה מפגינה רגישות גדולה, המושגת דרך הדימויים המעודנים והקומפוזיציה של הסאונד המזוקק. סרטיה ניחנים באיכות דוקומנטרית ויכולים להתפרש כעדויות על החיים בישראל. אך האיכות הציורית של הדימויים, הדרך בה כל מסך מתקשר עם המסכים האחרים – ליצירת נוף כולל ומקיף, האזכורים הרבים ומראי המקום המעורבים, מעניקים לעבודה אופי אלגורי. מאפיין אחד שברצוני לשבח באופן מיוחד הוא הקישור של יצירת האמנות בין חוויה אינדיבידואלית מקומית וידע אוניברסאלי".
MOUNTAIN: KEPT ALIVE & SABBATH 2008- Installation View at the Tel-Aviv Museum GOTTESDIENNER prize 2010
Kept Alive Portraits {a literal translation from Hebrew שמור בחיים}
refers to the text engraved upon headstones to reserve pre-purchased burial spots. The custom arose from bureaucratic necessity, but grew to function as a popular charm to ensure the purchaser's healthy and long life. Kept Alive Portraits is an ongoing archival project, which documents these numerous markers, prepared and placed individually on the reserved plots. These markers are evidence of ownership, and function as actual portraits of individuals who are alive, but already posses a territory in the land of the dead.

Publisher: Tel Aviv Museum of Art. March 2011
Soft Cover: 170 pages
Language: English & Hebrew
ISBN : 978-965-91706-0-9
Dimensions: 27 x19 cm
Shipping Weight: 1 KG
Design by: Nadav Shalev
Mignon Nixon: The Undiscovered Country
Hans Haacke: Guns and Roadblocks
Philippe-Alain Michaud: The Burial Chamber
Mignon Nixon on Nira Pereg’s Kept Alive
E-flux: Eng
Nira Pereg. Kept Alive
Los Angeles Times: Eng
Art Review: Nira Pereg at Shoshana Wayne
Nira Pereg’s work reviewed in the Los Angeles Times
Art in America;Nira Pereg By Leah Ollman
Ritualistic Art at the Tel Aviv Museum
Kept Alive: New work by Nira Pereg
the constant, monotonous physical labor that goes into caring for the dead. On one hand this speaks to the importance of tradition and memory in Israeli society. On the other, it reminds us that the houses of the dead are not so different from those of the living – built, cleaned and maintained by an otherwise invisible underclass.
Centro da Cultura Judaica, São Paulo | Brazil
-Kusntahlle Düsseldorf | Germany
-Loop Art Fair, Barcelona | Spain
-Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles | USA
The Nathan Gottesdiener Foundation Israeli Art Prize’s finalists 2010, Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Tel Aviv | Israel